Rilshaw Lane, Winsford, Cheshire

A development of 15x affordable units for Jigsaw Housing Association. Following a lot of hard work, we were delighted to provide this tailor made scheme for Jigsaw which will provide 15 new affordable homes for the Winsford community.

This site was incredibly complicated, with numerous obstacles to overcome. In particular: Split ownership and unregistered land. With the site being close to the railway, it not only bordered Network Rail land, but transpired that a small portion of the sub soil on the site fell under their ownership.

Making this even more complicated, this sub soil was only apparent in a plan dating back over 100 years! This meant months of protracted negotiations and legals to acquire this section of land from Network Rail along with the main parcel of land from the vendor.

Although the scheme was providing much needed affordable housing, due to the existing bungalow being derelict and the garden overgrown, the Environmental department had concerns and requirements for open space and planting.

However their onsite requests would have led to the loss of numerous units. Therefore, following our comprehensive viability reports we were successfully able to arrange for a commuted sum to provide planting in nearby parks.

As with any development, nothing runs exactly to plan, however we are very proud to have been able to deliver this project for Jigsaw as many developers had been put off by the site due to its challenges.

To overcome all the site issues and constraints, whilst also securing the build contract within budget and grant funding levels, is a significant achievement and shows that our team have the ability to deliver no matter what the challenges.

We’ve teamed up with J Greenwood Contractors to deliver the build and great progress is being made. Completion and hand over of the site is due Q4 2021. Follow the progress here!


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Swan Buildings
20 Swan Street
Manchester, M4 5JW
0161 505 1590

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First Floor
Swan Buildings
20 Swan Street
Manchester, M4 5JW
0161 505 1590

Company number 10000710 
VAT number 239794258

First Floor, Swan Buildings
20 Swan Street, Manchester, M4 5JW